摘 要
Studies on the Problems of Mongol’s Political Situation and Tribes around the Fifteenth Century
Inner Mongolia University Buyandelger
The Mongolian history of the Ming Dynasty is a weak section in the studies of Mongolian history. The studies at home falls behind those in foreign nations, especially in Japan. Dr. Sei Wada, a Japanese scholar, laid the foundation of the Mongolian history during the Ming Dynasty in his Studies on the History of Far East. However, he was unable to use a great number of the historical materials in Mongolian so as to influence on further studies in the field because of the limitation of historical era and personal conditions. His wrong opinions in this field has spread in academic circles for a long time. In recent years, the related studies at home have been made a breakthrough in some respects, but the progress still is slow and there exist the problems as Dr. Sei Wada in the historical materials used. Therefore, It became the major link in the further studies that we explore and use the historical materials in Mongolian fully and carry out the comparative studies between Mongolian historical materials and Chinese-han ones. The thesis presented discusses the problems of the Mongol’s political situation and tribes around the fifteenth century through comparative studies between Mongolian historical materials and Chinese-han ones after former scholars’ achievements are carried forward and the historical materials in Mongolian are explored. The thesis all covers 200,000 words and is divided three chapters.
In the first chapter, The Political Situation from the Yuan Dynasty’ Collapse to Dayun Khan’s Era, outlines the Mongol political history from the late the fourteenth century to the early sixteenth century. Mongol was split into both the eastern part and western one. The eastern Mongols centered around the people attached to the imperial family of the Yuan Dynasty. So were the Ongligud’s tribes under the rule of the descendants of Chinggis Khan’s brothers and Goilinchi, and Atai’s tribes under the rule of Ogodei’ descendants. The western Mongols were called Oirads, who Mainly consisted of the people attached to Arigboge. The internal cause of Mongol split lies in the contradiction and struggle between the imperial family of Yuan Dynasty moving to the north and the native nobility at the head of Arigboge’s descendants. After Mongol split, the nobility of North-yuan court at the head of Arugtai went into battles with the ones at the head of Maqamu and Toqon for the political power of North-yuan for a long time. The nobility of the east and the west combined into a political alliance in the 30-50’s of the fifteenth century, which realized the short and outward Mongol’s unity . Nevertheless, Mongol fell into new split owing to the contradiction and struggle of the two political cliques.
In the second chapter, The Change of Dayun Khan’s Six Tumens, systematically studies on the origin, formation and change of six Tumens attached to North-yuan Great Khan directly. Chaqar Tumen among the six Tumens was called Qauchin-chaqar, which originated from the people attached to Toloi, the youngest son of Chinggis Khan and his wife, Sorqadani. The great Khans of North-yuan, Togtogbuqa, Mandulun and Dayun Khan, governed over Chaqar Tumen directly. Chaqar Tumen was divided into the Left and the Right Wing at the boundary of the Hsing-an Mountains after the sixteenth century. The Left Wing was called Olge ( the south of the mountain) chqar, which consisted of four Otogs such as Alaqchud, Auqan, Naiman and Urud. The Right Wing was called Aru ( the north of the mountain) chaqar, which consisted of four Otogs such as Qauchid, Ujimuchin, Sunid and Kesikten. Ordos Tumen originated from the people attached to Chinggis Khan’s four Great Ordos. The Jin-ong commanded Chinggis Khan’s four Great Ordos during the Yuan Dynasty and later the ruler of Ordos Tumen was still called Jin-ong ____ jinong. The ancestors of Dayun Khan, Agbarjin Jinong and Bolqu Jinong, all were the early rulers of Ordos Tumen. Monggoljin-tumed Tumen originated from Ujiyed, who attached to Qachigun’s, Chinggis Khan’s younger brother, descendants, Dogolang Taiji. Madulun Khan killed Dogolang Taiji and annexed Monggoljin-tumed tribe. Monggoljin means “Similar Mongols” and ” Dologan-tumed is abbreviated as Tumed. Yungsiyebu Tumen mainly consisted of Asud Wei and Kipchag Wei, the Standby Guard Army during the Yuan Dynasty. Among the tribes attached to the North-yuan Great Khan directly, Yungsiyebu Tumen was the strongest one in the first half of the fifteenth century. The ruling power of Yungsiyebu Tumen fell down in the hand of the nobility, Begersen and Ismain, of Mekerin tribe and Ibarai, Eesen’s grandson, from Oirad. Uriyangqan Tumen originated from the Uriyangqan tribe living the Kentei Mountains in those days, who was ordered to defend the Chinggis Khan’s grave. Qalqa Tumen’s name came from Qalqa River. Jalayir Otog was the strongest one among the Otogs of Qalqa Tumen.
In the third chapter, Ongligud and Ong’s Four Tumens, verified a general name, particular names, Tumens’ names and rulers’ titles of Chinggis Khan’s four brothers. The people attached to the descendants of Chinggis Khan’s four brothers, i.e. the princes of the Left Wing, were called Ongligud or also called Abaga or Aru-Mongol. Ongligid consisted of Qorchin, Yeke, Chaqan and Olge Tumens, whose rulers kept the king titles, Ch’i King, Kuang-ning King, Chi-nan King and Liao King, of their ancestors until the fifteenth century.
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