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《数学研究通讯(英文版)》(Communications in Mathematical Research)季刊,ISSN: 1674-5647 CN: 22-1369/O1 邮发代号: 12-134,主要刊登国内外数学方面的科研论文,努力将其办成能够展示纯数学科研领域的最新研究成果和动态,并指导其进一步的研究方向。现已被国务院学位评定委员会指定为18种重要数学期刊之一。
The Dep endence Problem for a Class of Polynomial Maps in Dimension Four Jin Yong,Guo Hong-bo
A Weak Convergence Theorem for A Finite Family of Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings Kan Xu-zhou,Guo Wei-ping
Jordan Left Derivations of Generalized Matrix Algebras Li Chen-Fang,Li Yan-Bo
On the Structure of the Units of Group Algebra of Dihedral Group Nan Ji-zhu,Zhang Shuang
A Note on Generalized Long Mo dules Guo Shuang-jian,Dong Li-hong
A Note on the Connectedness of the Invertible Group of a Nest Algebra Zhang Min,Yue Hua
The Maximum Trigonometric Degrees of Quadrature Formulae with Prescrib ed No des Luo Zhong-xuan,Yu Ran,Meng Zhao-liang
Statistical Inference for the Parameter of Pareto Distribution Based on Progressively Typ e-I Interval Censored Sample Abdalroof M.S.,Zhao Zhi-wen,Wang De-hui
Painlev′e Prop erty and Integrability of Polynomial Dynamical Systems Li Wen-lei,Shi Shao-yun
The Almost Split Sequences for Trivial Extensions of Hereditary Algebras Zhang Yu-lin,Yao Hai-lou
Interp olation by Bivariate Polynomials Based on Multivariate F-truncated Powers Yuan Xue-mei
现用刊名:Communications in Mathematical Research
曾用刊名:数学研究通讯(英文版);东北数学(英文版);东北数学;Northeastern Mathematical Journal
JST 日本科学技术振兴机构数据库(日)(2013)
Pж(AJ) 文摘杂志(俄)(2011)
CSCD 中国科学引文数据库来源期刊(2013-2014年度)(含扩展版)

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