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摘 要

第一章主要考察金融成长为经济发展重要推动因素的内在规律和发展过程, 研究金融在近500年经济发展进程中的历史贡献和金融作用性质的两次质变.。金融作用性质的两次质变使金融在经济发展全部推动因素中的重要程度大大提高。
第四章重点研究金融效率。金融效率的高低决定着金融发挥作用的成本和作用力的强弱,从而在很大程度上决定着整个经济发展的效率。从金融机构效率、 金融市场、金融宏观效率和金融调控效率等四个方面分析,近30年来,发达国家和发展中国家的金融效率都有了很大提高,但发展中国家与发达国家之间的差距仍很大,金融发展在发展中国家具有巨大的潜力,而金融发展的重点在于提高效率,而不能单纯依靠数量扩张。

 Title of the Dr. Degree’s Thesis: Financial Contributions and Efficiency in the Economic Development
Introduction of the author: Wang Guang-qian, native of Shandong Province of P.4.c., was born on Sep. 24, 1995. Under the guidance of Prof. Huang Da, he was awarded the Doctor’s degree of Economics at People; University of China on July 4, 1996. Now he continues his research work in the field of finance.
Key words: Financial efficiency and contributions in the Economic Development


This dissertation is divided into five chapters.
Chapter I mainly examines the internal law and development process of finance growing into an important propelling factor in the economic development and studies the historical contributions of finance in the process of economic development for the last five hundred years and the two qualitative changes of the nature of financial role, from the early ‘adaptive role’ to a ‘positive role’. The two qualitative changes of the nature of financial role greatly enhance the importance of finance among all propelling factors in the economic development.
Chapter II looks into the close relationships between finance and modern economy. Analysis is made on the economic growth in the process of economic monetization and financialization from the angle of the gradual integration of economy and finance, and on the gap between developing countries and developed countries from the angle of financial development and economic growth so as to find out the financial causes for the slow economic development in underdeveloped countries.
Chapter III makes an analysis of the size of financial contributions in modern economic development. The financial contributions to an economy are mainly embodied in the following three aspects, raising capital and the amount of labour, increasing capital and labour efficiency and the output value of the finance industry. Empirical analysis show that finance has made about one fifth of the contributions of the contributions of the entire rate of increase in today’s world economy.
Chapter IV focuses on the study of financial efficiency, which determines the cost of financial function and the size of its forces and determines to a great degree the efficiency of the overall economic, financial markets, financial macro-efficiency and financial control and developed countries and developing countries in the last 30 years, but that the gap between developing countries and developed countries is still quite great. The financial development is potential developing countries, while the key to it lies in the increase of efficiency rather than the expansion of quantity.
Chapter V mainly studies how to improve the financial efficiency in China and an exploration is made on seven aspects.

Author: Wang Guang-qian
Instructor: Hang Da
Research Achievements
1. Wang Guang-qian, Stabilizing the Growth Rate of Money Supply, Economics Studies, No. 10, 1995.
2. Wang Guang-qian, Contemporary Theories of Western Finance, Publishing House of Central University by TV, 1990.
3. Wang Guang-qian, China’s Securities Marked, China’s Finance and Economics Publishing SE, 1991.
4. Wang Guang-qian, Study in Consumption and Consumption Funds in China, Finance and Trade Economics, No.2, 1991.
5. Wang Guang-qian, Financial Reform: Establishing standard Market Operational System and Effective Regulation Mechanism, Reform, No.5, 1993.
6. Wang Guang-qian, On the Focus of China Financial Reform and Development from the Angle of Social Development, Finance and Trade Economics, No.6, 1993.

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