摘 要
五、李贽与晚明文坛。本章重点探讨李贽对公安派与金圣叹的人生价值观与文学思想的影响, 并指出以李贽为代表的晚明狂放思潮终结的历史原因。
Title of the Dr. Degree’s Thesis: LiZhi and Literary Thoughts in Later Ming Dynasty.
Introduction of the Author: Zuo Dong-ling, was born on June 12, 1956. Under the guidance of Prof. Luo Zong-qiang, he was awarded the Dr. degree of literature at Nankai University on June, 24 1995. He continues his research works in the field of literary thought history.
Keywords: LiZhi, mental state, self-value, expression of nature.
Abstract: This dissertation is an overall and systematic study on LiZhi, an important thinker and literary critic in Ming Dynasty. The pioneers have made much discussion in the domain, but many problems, such as the relationship between LiZhi and Wang’s doctrine, LiZhi’s real mental state, the real connotation of innocence’s theory, have not been solved yet. This thesis makes an attempt to resolve all above problems.
This dissertation consists of six chapters: (1) Historical situation that LiZhi faced with. It is a study of mental state of scholars, Wang Yang-ming’s Mentalism and literary thoughts before LiZhi, which points out that all of them were developing towards self-expression and enjoying of human life, but lacked of deepness and systematicness. (2)LiZhi’s personality and mental state. The research of relationship between LiZhi’s monstrous personality and exploration of self-value is regarded as a focal point. It shows that Li’s main objective of all his life is to realize self-value and the immortality of self-spirit. It also explains the historical reasons and realistic surrounding which affect the formation of his personality and mental state. (3) LiZhi’s philosophical thought. It focuses on the connotation and features of the theory of mental-empty and innocence. It was the basis of this two above-mentioned ideas on which LiZhi’s natural view of political and human life was formed. (4) LiZhi’s literary thought. It includes four parts: A. The literary function of self-enjoying. B. To attach importance to the subjective factor of writer. C. The theory of natural expression of literature. D. The aesthetic standards of reality and interest. (5) LiZhi’s influence on the literary world in later period of Ming Dynasty. The effects reflect mainly in the literary thoughts of GongAn school, which was a main literary school at that time, and Jin Sheng-tan, an outstanding literary critic. It comprises two aspects: one was the view of human life and the other was natural expression of literature. After that it elaborates on the historical reasons for the ending of the Romantic Thoughts Trend represented by LiZhi in later period of Ming Dynasty.
In conclusion, LiZhi was an intermediary on the development of philosophical and literary thought from the middle to the later on Ming Dynasty. He inherited and reformed the thoughts of his pioneers. Moreover, he had a great influence on the ideology and the literary circle in the later period of Ming Dynasty.
Research Achievements:
1.Zuo Dong-ling: The Dispute Between Geng Ding-xiang and LiZhi and LiZhi’s Mental Change in His Old Age, The Northern Forum, No. 5, 1994.
2.Zuo Dong-ling: A Clue to the Artistic Evolution of China’s Novel, Zhengzhou University Magazine, No. 2, 1992.
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