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摘 要
新马克思主义是在第二国际的理论遭到破产之后产生并发展起来的,它试图借助于总体范畴对马克思主义作以总体的把握。卢卡奇设定了总体并希冀从这里出发去把握马克思主义辩证法的实质和意义,以求达到对历史本质的理解。他认为,马克思的总体范畴是根源于经济分析的对人与人的关系的总体把握。卢卡奇运用总体范畴去思考理论与实践的统一问题,但对这一问题的解决具有乌托邦色彩。 萨特的总体范畴的核心内容是总体化,他认为,实践就是总体化,总体化根源于人的本性,总体化也就是辩证法。实践是辩证法的真正王国,而个人的实践则是辩证法的原初的经验。社会批判理论的否定总体观的哲学基础是“否定的辩证法”。它倡导总体革命并提出了一个乌托邦的方案。它认为解放爱欲、解放艺术和解放自然是人的解放的三个组成部分。
Title of the Dr. Degree’s Thesis: Totality and Utopia ——Criticize the Humanist Marxism in the Category of Totality
Introduction of the Author: Zhang Kang-zhi was born on Sep.27, 1957. Under the guidance of prof. Chen xian-da , he wasawarded the Dr. degree of philosophy at Renming University on
Oct. 10, 1995. Now , he cotinues his research works in the field of philosophy.
Key words: Totality / Practice / Utopia
The humanist Marxism emerged and developed after the theory of the Second International had fallen through . It tried to know and grasp Marxism overall with the category of totality .
The category of totality was raised first by George Lukacs.He try to grasp the essences and meanings of Marxist dialectics with the category of totality. From here , he hope to understand the essential aspect of history. Lukacs think that Marx’s category of totality base on the economic analysis, it can hold human and varied relations of man.
Lukacs ponder over the integration of theory with pratice according tothe category of totality. But his view belong to Utopia. The core of Jean-paul Sartre’s category of totality is the totalization He think that practice is totalization. Totalization take its source from the nature of human. Totalization is also dialectics. Practics is the real realm of dialectics, and individual pratice is the original experience of dialectics. The Critical Theory of Socity has a kind of negative view of totality. Its philosophical foundation is the negative dialectics. The Critical Theory initiate whole revolution and propose an Utopian scheme. It consider that liberating eros.
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