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摘 要

(2)通过对村民自治制度体系的考察,揭示了村民自治立法建制的三级层面构架,村民群众自治和基层直接民主两个本体原则以及具体规范的多样化, 分析了村民自治立法建制的两个特点及其意义和局限性。提出了完善我国农村村民自治制度的观点和构想。

Title of the Dr.Degree’s Thesis:The Village’s Self-Govenment In Rural China:
Sestem And execution.

Introduction of the author: Xu Yong,native of Hubai province of P.R.C,was born
on July 15,1955. Under the guidance of Prof.Li Hui-bin,he was awarded the
Dr.degree of law at Central China Normal University in June,1996. Now,he
continues his teaching and research works in the field of pulitics.

Key words:China Villger’s self-goverment Sestem Execution


According to the theory of Marxism and socialism with chinese characters,
and by means of analyzing system and process,this paper makes a systematic
comparison and sophisticated exploration of the structures of villagers’
self-government and its process practical exercise. It provides some creative
opinions about the villagers’ self-government.

The paper is divided into two parts,including preface and eight chapters.
The preface is concerned with the definition of villagers’ self-government,
its position and function in establishing chinese socialist democracy and

Chapter Ⅰ makes an analysis of the process and characters of villagers’
self-government. It argues:villagers’ self-government originated from 1980s in
a specific background.It is the result of the rural economic reform and the
progress of demacracy.

ChapterⅡ analyzes the system of villagers’ self-government. With the vast
distribution of villages in China,villagers’ self-government is convinient to
exercise. Its legislative system is a tree-level frame. In this frame,
government by the villagers themself and basic-level democracy are taken as the
main principles. Based on these two principles many specific regulations are

ChapterⅢ,on the basis of the theory of role and function,discusses the
organic forms of villagers’ self-government. Villagers’ assembly and villagers’
representative assembly are legistilative organs. Villagers’ committee and
village group are executive organs.

ChapterⅣ discusses the contents of villagers’ self-government in terms of
political participation. Villagers’ self-government is an immediate form of
villagers’ management of local affairs. It is demonstrated by four kinds of
democratic forms: democratic election,democratic decision-making,democratic
management and democrtic supervision.

ChapterⅤ deals with executive model of villagers’ self-government. These
two types of process contains four models: village in which both villagers’
selfgovernment itself and the objective effect are in an ideal state; village
in which both villagers’ selfgovernment itself and the objective effect are
not in an ideal state; thoroughly controlled village; uncontrolled village.

ChapterⅥ discusses the inner components of the villagers’ self-government
and other relative factors.The economic system and the governmental surport are
most important.

ChapterⅦ explores the dilema as well as the way-out.

ChapterⅧ analyxes the developing trend of villagers’ self-government. Now
villagers’ selfgovernment is confronted with series of new challenges. We
should improve the villagers’ selfgovernment and normalize it. We should
overcome the difficulties and never give it up. With the development of
industrialization,urbanizatian and modernization in rural area,villagers’
selfgovernment will take on a new look.

Research Achivement:
1. Xu Yong,On Coflicts & Adjustments in the Administrative Systems of Rural
Community at the Present Stage. SEEKER[No.2,March,1992(Sum66)].
2. Xu Yong,An analysis of the dual-power system of the rural administration
and its autonomy in ancient China. Chinese History Study.4,1993.
3. Xu Yong,The Analysis of Political Impacts on the Unequilibriom Area
Development. STUDY&EXPLORATION.No.3,May,1994.
4. Xu Yong. An Analysis of the Double Character of Chinese Traditionl Political
5. Xu Yong. Same Point in Different Ways—Comparison of Mao Zedong’s and Deng
Xiaoping’s Thought-Iines about Issues of Country-side and Peasents. JOURNAL
6. Xu Yong. A general evaluation of rural political and its drift. JOURNAL OF

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