

分类:核心论文发表, 职称评定条件 作者:admin 评论:0 点击: 782 次

序号 期刊名称 ISSN
1. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica 详细信息 1672-9145
2. Acta Geologica Sinica 详细信息 1000-9515
3. Acta Mathematica Scientia 详细信息 0252-9602
4. Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 详细信息 1439-8516
5. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 详细信息 0168-9673
6. Acta Mechanica Sinica 详细信息 0567-7718
7. Acta metallurgica Sinica 1006-7191
8. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 详细信息 0253-505X
9. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 详细信息 1671-4083
10. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 详细信息 0256-1530
11. Agricultural Sciences in China 详细信息 1671-2927
12. Algebra Colloquium 详细信息 1005-3867
13. Applied Geophysics 1672-7975
14. Applied Mathematics. Series B, A Journal of Chinese Universities 详细信息 1005-1031
15. Asian Journal of Andrology 详细信息 1008-682X
16. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 详细信息 0895-3988
17. Cell Research 详细信息 1001-0602
18. Cellular & Molecular Immunology 1672-7681
19. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities 详细信息 1005-9040
20. China Communications 1673-5447
21. Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 详细信息 0252-9599
22. Chinese Chemical Letters 详细信息 1001-8417
23. Chinese Geographical Science 详细信息 1002-0063
24. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 详细信息 1000-9361
25. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research 详细信息 1000-9604
26. Chinese Journal of Cancer 详细信息 1000-467X
27. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 详细信息 1004-9541
28. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 详细信息 1674-0068
29. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 详细信息 1001-604X
30. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 详细信息 1000-9345
31. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 详细信息 0254-4059
32. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 详细信息 0256-7679
33. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry 详细信息 0254-5861
34. Chinese Medical Journal 0366-6999
35. Chinese Medical Sciences Journal 1001-9294
36. Chinese Optics Letters 详细信息 1671-7694
37. Chinese Physics Letters 详细信息 0256-307X
38. Chinese Physics. B 详细信息 1674-1056
39. Chinese Physics. C 详细信息 1674-1137
40. Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 详细信息 1002-0462
41. Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research 1672-7118
42. Communications in Mathematical Research 详细信息 1674-5647
43. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation 1007-5704
44. Communications in Theoretical Physics 详细信息 0253-6102
45. Current Zoology 详细信息 1674-5507
46. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 1671-3664
47. Earthquake Science 1000-9116
48. Frontiers in Biology 1674-7984
49. Frontiers in Energy 2095-1701
50. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China 1673-7407
51. Frontiers of Chemical Science Engineering 2095-0179
52. Frontiers of Computer Science in China 详细信息 1673-7350
53. Frontiers of Earth Science 2095-0195
54. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China 1673-3460
55. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China 1673-7415
56. Frontiers of Materials Science (原名:Frontiers of Materials Science in China) 2095-025X
57. Frontiers of Mathematics in China 1673-3452
58. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2095-0233
59. Frontiers of Medicine 2095-0217
60. Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China 1674-4128
61. Frontiers of Physics (原名: Frontiers of Physics in China) 2095-0462
62. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 详细信息 1672-0229
63. Insect Science 详细信息 1672-9609
64. Integrative Zoology 1749-4869
65. International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials 1674-4799
66. International Journal of Oral Science 1674-2818
67. Journal of Bionics Engineering 详细信息 1672-6529
68. Journal of Computational Mathematics 详细信息 0254-9409
69. Journal of Computer Science and Technology 详细信息 1000-9000
70. Journal of Control Theory and Applications 1672-6340
71. Journal of Earth Science 1674-487X
72. Journal of Environmental Sciences 详细信息 1001-0742
73. Journal of Forestry Research 详细信息 1007-662X
74. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 详细信息 1673-8527
75. Journal of Geographical Sciences 详细信息 1009-637X
76. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology 1671-5411
77. Journal of Hydrodynamics 1001-6058
78. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 详细信息 1672-9072
79. Journal of Iron and Steel Research,International 详细信息 1006-706X
80. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 1005-0302
81. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 详细信息 1674-2788
82. Journal of Mountain Science 1672-6316
83. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 详细信息 1003-9953
84. Journal of Rare Earths 1002-0721
85. Journal of resource and Ecology 1674-764X
86. Journal of Semiconductors 详细信息 1674-4926
87. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 详细信息 1674-4918

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